زمان جاری : چهارشنبه 13 تیر 1403 - 7:32 بعد از ظهر
نام کاربری : پسورد : یا عضویت | رمز عبور را فراموش کردم

emeraldthunder آفلاین

ارسال‌ها : 578
عضویت: 3 /11 /1390
سن: 19
تشکرها : 154
تشکر شده : 142
پاسخ : 6 RE ۱۰۰ لغت مفید برای بهبودی دانش واژگانی انگلیسی.


)adj.) rude, insolent (Most of your

comments are so impertinent

that I don’t wish to dignify them

(.with an answer


)adj.) incapable of being

appeased or mitigated (Watch

out: once you shun

Grandmother’s cooking, she is

totally implacable(.


)adj.) casually rude, insolent,

impertinent (The impudent

young woman looked her

teacher up and down and told

(.him he was hot


)adj.) clear, sharp, direct (The

discussion wasn’t going

anywhere until her incisive

comment allowed everyone to

(.see what the true issues were


)adj.) lazy (Why should my

indolent children, who can’t even

pick themselves up off the sofa

to pour their own juice, be

rewarded with a trip to Burger



)adj.) not suitable or capable,

unqualified (She proved how

inept she was when she forgot

two orders and spilled a pint of

(.cider in a customer’s lap


)n.) notoriety, extreme ill repute

(The infamy of his crime will not

(.lessen as time passes


)v.) to prevent, restrain, stop

(When I told you I needed the car

last night, I certainly never meant

to inhibit you from going out(.


)adj.) inborn, native, inherent (His

incredible athletic talent is innate,

he never trains, lifts weights, or



)adj.) incapable of being satisfied

(My insatiable appetite for

blondes was a real problem on

(!my recent holiday in Japan


)adj.) separated and narrow-

minded; tight-knit, closed off

(Because of the sensitive nature

of their jobs, those who work for

MI5 must remain insular and

generally only spend time with

(.each other


)adj.) brave in the face of danger

(After scaling a live volcano prior

to its eruption, the explorer was

praised for his intrepid attitude(.


)adj.) stubbornly established by

habit (I’m the first to admit that

I’m an inveterate cider drinker—I

(.drink four pints a day

/Part TWO


)adj.) extremely joyful, happy (The

crowd was jubilant when the

firefighter carried the woman

(.from the flaming building


)n.) the solemn sound of a bell,

often indicating a death (Echoing

throughout our village, the

funeral knell made the grey day

(.even more grim


)adj.) graceful, flexible, supple

(Although the dancers were all

outstanding, Joanna’s control of

her lithe body was particularly



)adj.) ghastly, sensational (Barry’s

story, in which he described a

character torturing his

neighbour's tortoise, was judged

too lurid to be published on the

(.English Library's website

شنبه 08 بهمن 1390 - 12:20
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